Showing Tag: "insight" (Show all posts)

Tell Me You Are NOT Doing This!!!!!

Posted by Christine Burke on Tuesday, July 19, 2016, In : Insight 
Check out this video!
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Don't Make Nice, Make MONEY!

Posted by Christine Burke on Wednesday, January 20, 2016, In : Insight 

I was just having lunch with a fellow female entrepreneur. We were discussing the differences between men and women in business. We talked about the "Good Old Boys" club and the ways that men do battle in business and can remain friends and the way that they network - usually through sports or the golf course.

It seems more often than not, and others have tended to agree, that women are not able to play nice together and support each other or refer each other, like men do. Too, in business, wo...

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Mix It Thoroughly For Best Results!

Posted by Christine Burke on Monday, January 18, 2016, In : Implementation 

Have you ever gone to eat something or drink something and it tastes funny or the texture is off? You go, "Ick" or "eeew", and then you look at the label and you were supposed to shake it or mix it well. Your marketing plan requires a mixture too, for your sales and profitability to be successful and for you to reach your goals.

Frequently I am in an Insight session with a client and I ask, "Are you doing X, Y, Z, W..." and so on and they look at me with either shock, frustration or a "really?...

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Shut Yer Yap! Your Success Speaks For Itself

Posted by Christine Burke on Saturday, January 16, 2016, In : Insight 

Have you ever had a time when it seemed that all there was were people saying negative things about you, your business or your success? 

This morning I was listening to a sermon by Bishop T.D. Jakes. Now, I'm more spiritual than religious but I find Bishop Jakes has a wonderful outlook on life and the people around us. He said something to the effect of, "When I heard the dogs barking, I knew where the treasure was." I loved this when I heard it and like most dogs, when something gets their at...

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Do You Have The Support You Require?

Posted by Christine Burke on Friday, January 15, 2016, In : Insight 

Just being a regular 'ole person is tough enough but being a business owner too can sometimes bankrupt you - not only monetarily, but physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. While we were working on our vision boards yesterday with Judy, we talked about what we were seeking in the next few months as well as what we were trying to avoid. One of those things was support and positivity (to get) and negativity (to stop and avoid). 

In the chart above, Judy described the support needed f...

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About Me

Christine Burke Christine combines her personality and experience in her consulting, educational, and entrepreneurial endeavors. She is the owner and chief marketing officer for OMG! Outsourced Marketing Guru, catering to entrepreneurs, start-up businesses and established companies. In this role she provides business services including, but not limited to, brand development and strategy, digital marketing, business plans, pricing strategy, product development and motivation! Christine also consults as a change agent implementing process improvement, growth strategy, and best practices. Prior to becoming an entrepreneur, Christine spent seven plus years at Citigroup in her role as Vice President, Marketing, Communication and Production. She is the recipient of the President's Volunteer Service Award and currently volunteers for Shop With A Cop and the National Law Enforcement Memorial and it's Ride and Run to Remember. Christine holds a Master's Degree in Business Organizational Management, a Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice/Psychology and a Diploma in Digital Marketing. Christine consults in both the business and criminal justice areas and she relishes the chance to tell a good story or provide technical expertise. If you would like to have Christine speak at one of your events, please contact us by email.
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